Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance is an extensive practice used for assuring the quality of products. It includes all planned and systematic activities that are implemented to provide adequate confidence that the organization fulfils the requirements for quality.
At HCR, we have a dedicated Quality Assurance team, which strives for continuous improvements in our quality functions, like, constantly working to enhance the existing quality of products and services by optimizing existing production processes and introducing new processes.
HCR QA team has separate members for an audit that focus on working with the clients to ensure that all client needs are met and sustained. Additionally, the team also has a separate documentation cell whose responsibility is to provide a library of all documents and also make sure that all documents are current and complete.

Our Quality Assurance team focuses on process improvements. The goal of the team is to reduce variance in processes to predict the quality of output (final or interim product), gather best practices for the company, reduce cost, and reduce time to market.
By way of adopting different quality management systems in HCR, we properly establish and manage quality assurance systems with their integral well-written SOPs and other quality documents for the achievement of company objectives.
We aim at achieving high quality in processes, procedures, systems, and people, with high quality in products, and services.
All these quality excellence attributes lead to the enhancement of the following:
Customer satisfaction
Operational excellence
Increased confidence of customers